The End of Another Great Season!

Here’s to another great year here at Soaring Tree Top Adventures! As we wrap up another season, we cannot help but reflect on the amazing season we had this year. With guests from all over the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Guam, Japan, Brazil, and many other far-off homes, this season was the most varied and diverse yet! We were also thrilled to welcome guests as young as 4 years old up to grandparents well into their 80s. We saw more extended family groups than ever before, reminding us that Soaring is the perfect adventure for all ages. For many of our guests, their trip to Soaring was a once-a-year opportunity to reunite the entire family. And since our remote location is practically technology-free, those families were able to enjoy an entire day of face-to-face interaction without the barrier of a cell phone screen. Just as our staff find the isolation relieving from the media-cluttered world, we promise you and your family will have the time of your life simply enjoying the beautiful outdoors.
In addition to a bumper crop of guests this year we also enjoyed a bumper year for rainfall, making our season both exceptionally cool and green. The river ran at its spring flood level for an unprecedented four weeks and many smaller springs flowed heavily all summer. Our local wildlife and plant life were extremely happy as well; the constant chirping of so many baby birds is a testament to the healthy forest this year! Overall, 2015 proved to be a delightful year here at Soaring. Though we are always sad to see a season end, the joy of so many happy faces we’ve met will keep us going until next year. We hope in 2016 to see just as many familiar faces getting off the train as we did this year and to meet a whole new batch of Soarers. Until then, keep your eyes out for more Soaring news and special deals on the upcoming season!