Soaring Zipline Adventure: Three Tours in One

One of Colorado’s most iconic adventures is The Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge Railway. This rail system was built in 1881, with steam locomotives carrying ore back from the old mining settlements high in the San Juan Mountains. Now this rail line brings tourists along this route for a historical and majestic ride. Guests enjoy views of the Animas River Canyon and some of Colorado’s best-preserved lands. The railroad offers several different excursions for all types of adventure seekers. One of the most popular is the Durango train zip line at Soaring Tree Top Adventures.
Soaring Treetop Adventures is the world’s longest zipline course located in the vast wilderness of the San Juan National Forest. Located six miles from the nearest road, this isolation means that you can only access the zipline property by taking the Narrow-Gauge Railway. Guests then come and Soar above the trees across 27 different spans and are treated to a four-course gourmet lunch in the trees. Guests of all ages will enjoy traversing through the tree tops and experience all the natural beauty that the San Juans provide. Built into your zipline excursion is a full-day ecology tour that gives guests an overview of the ecosystem that Soaring calls home. Our property sits in a pristine, old-growth forest that is becoming increasingly rare across the American landscape. You are guided by our experienced Eco Rangers that introduce families to the area and help build awareness for the future. Each of our Eco Rangers has extensive training in environmental science and a love for nature.
Where else can you experience three different tours in one day? At Soaring Treetop adventures, we provide you with an all-day excursion that brings you into the heart of the wilderness by train, an opportunity to experience the thrill of ziplining through ancient, old-growth forest, and an educational experience about the flora, fauna, and geology that you are ziplining on. If you would like to experience this exhilarating adventure, you can call us at (970) 769-2357 or find us here.