What About the Trees?

The entire Soaring® Tree Top Adventures zip line course is built without any hooks, bolts, screws, or anything else piercing the trees. There is nothing that even penetrates the bark of these old growth Ponderosa pines. It is a unique patent that allows the platforms to be suspended in the trees without any harm to the trees at all. Sap flow and growth will never be impeded by Soaring’s system. According to well-known Arborist David Temple, upon inspection of the Soaring® course and of our system in the trees, he states: “these old girls won’t even know you’re here.”
You day-long canopy tour adventure also includes an ecology tour, so that you can learn all about the plants and animals of the San Juan National Forest. Call 970-769-2357 or visit soaringcolorado.com to make reservations! The 2011 season runs from May 13th to October 16th.